Richmond Running Tours

Run and learn at your own pace

Enhance your run with Richmond history and trivia! Each themed route includes overviews of historical and noteworthy sites, turn-by-turn directions, and a link to a guided RunGo app route. Download the app for free on your smartphone and RunGo will guide your run.

Richmond Transportation Highlights 


12 miles

Take a 12-mile running tour highlighting the city’s transportation history and its most iconic sites, including the James River Arch Bridge, the one-of-a-kind Triple Crossing, the three-mile-long CSX Viaduct, and the Canal Walk. The route also takes you through three of the city’s “streetcar suburbs” south of the river. Begins and ends at Byrd Park.

Route description, turn-by-turn directions, and RunGo link

Black History Highlights 


14.25 miles, plus options for additional miles and sites

Richmond’s history is inextricably tied up with that of African Americans. Before the Emancipation Proclamation, the city was the largest trading market for enslaved Africans on the East Coast. Run along the Richmond Slave Trail, which spotlights that dark past. Go through Jackson Ward, a prominent post-Civil War Black neighborhood. And make your way up Monument Avenue, past emblems of Richmond's struggle with its past. Begins and ends at Byrd Park.

Route description, turn-by-turn directions, and RunGo link

The James River, Richmond’s Raison d’être 


18 miles with a 13-mile option

Richmond owes its existence and longevity to its location on the Fall Line of the James River. This scenic run takes you past history and beauty along the river: to the Huguenot Bridge at Westham, along Riverside Drive and the James River Park System, and to the bridge crossing above Belle Isle, Hollywood Rapids, and Tredegar Iron Works. Note that much of this route, notably south of the James, follows the fall Richmond Sports Backers marathon route (pre-pandemic). An easy turn cuts the run to 13 miles. Begins and ends at Byrd Park.

Route description, turn-by-turn directions, and RunGo link

Richmond’s Historic Northside Plus Culinary Tidbits 


12 miles

Lewis Ginter, Richmond entrepreneur, philanthropist, and a major in the Confederate army, is generally credited with creating and growing Richmond’s Northside. Take this 12-mile route through some of the beautiful neighborhoods that Ginter kickstarted and through scenic Bryan Park. Plus, it just so happens that you’ll be passing some historic culinary sites, too, so expect to work up an appetite in more ways than one! Begins and ends at Byrd Park.

Route description, turn-by-turn directions, and RunGo link

Tipsy Tour 


11 miles with a 13.1-mile option

This 11-mile run takes you through Richmond’s most concentrated areas for craft beverage makers, including Scott’s Addition. You will run past 20 breweries, cideries, distilleries, a meadery, and a couple of other sites of note. Get your miles in, pick your favorite beverage maker, and return to toast your run! The route includes a 13.1-mile option, adding one brewery and giving you a half marathon for the day. Begins and ends at Byrd Park.

Route description, turn-by-turn directions, and RunGo link

Early Richmond History Highlights 


13 miles

In just 13 miles, you’ll pass some of Richmond’s most historic and iconic sites. Starting at Byrd Park, you’ll pass near or through Maymont, Oregon Hill, Shockoe, Union Hill, Church Hill, Manchester, Forest Hill, and more – plus notable sites such as the canal, the flood wall, and the James River Park. Begins and ends at Byrd Park.

Route description, turn-by-turn directions, and RunGo link

Richmond Historic Parks & Rec


10 miles

Learn about three of Richmond’s most noteworthy and scenic parks, starting and ending at Byrd Park, you’ll run through Forest Hill Park and the James River Park System as well as past other noteworthy sites. Begins and ends at Byrd Park.

Route description, turn-by-turn directions, and RunGo link

About our route curator

RRRC member Annie Tobey serves on RRRC's Board of Directors and is co-editor of RRRC's Miles & Minutes. She is a freelance writer specializing in travel and craft beer. 

Contact her or follow her at