RRRC's FAQs page is under construction.
If you have heard any common questions about the club, our races, our competitions, or running in RVA, send the question (and ideally your suggested answer) to administrator@rrrc.org.
Short answer: you need to learn to "run the tangents." The measured course is the shortest possible distance a runner can take. The longer the course, the more turns on the course and the greater the number of runners, the harder it is for a runner to run all of the tangents perfectly and follow that measured distance.
For a longer answer, we refer you to the Runner's World story "Is your GPS watch accurate on race day?"
Bottom line:
From July 1, 2017 until June 30, 2018, RunSignUp collected $323,914.12 on behalf of RRRC from almost 10,000 race and event participants. The total processing fees collected were $25,731.66; of which, RRRC received $5,082.23 and RunSignUp retained $20,649.43 to cover its operating costs and make a profit.
What do RRRC, our members and our other race participants get from RunSignUp for about $21,000 per year?
For the full list of RunSignUp services and features, go to https://runsignup.com/Services/Full-List.
When RRRC switched to RunSignUp, the Club’s leadership decided to make the processing fee a standalone charge. Yes…we could price the race registration fee to include/hide the processing fee. But…we didn’t for reasons of transparency and as a small incentive to encourage family/multi-person registration in one transaction. It will also be an added savings when we initiate multi-race registration.