"Hey. Let's be careful out there."
Running is great for our physical and mental health, but it has its own set of risks (like everything in life). As runners, there are some basic actions we can take to make our running safer for ourselves and others.
- UNPLUG - Be aware of your surroundings at all times.
- BUDDY UP - Join a running group in your area or recruit a training partner to run with you. Visit RVA Group Runs to see some options.
- FACE TRAFFIC - Run so you can see cars coming towards you.
- OBEY TRAFFIC SIGNALS - Always assume drivers cannot see you.
- CARRY ID - With your name, an emergency contact name and phone number, and pertinent medical information like allergies.
- CARRY A CELL PHONE - Have the ability to call 911 at any moment.
- ALTER YOUR RUN ROUTE DAILY - It is better for safety and for your fitness.
- SEE AND BE SEEN - Look for runs in well populated areas frequented by other runners. If you are running in the dark, look for well-lit routes, wear reflective clothing and use lights.
- LEAVE YOUR ROUTE - Share your route with a friend or family member.
- IGNORE, IGNORE, IGNORE! - Ignore any verbal harassment.
- DEFENSIVE MEASURES - Have a plan. Whatever you carry with you, you need to know how to use it and be able to use it quickly.
- Adapted from "Safety Tips for New Runners" by Runner's World (Susan Paul, 11/10/2014)
For more details, visit these sites:
General Running Safety Tips from RRCA
Safety Tips for New Runners from Runner's World
Hot Weather Running Tips from RRCA
Cold Weather Running Tips from RRCA
Trail Running Tips from RRCA
Etiquette for Runners from RRCA
Mental Health Tips for Runners from RRCA